Welcome to my projects page! This is where I present projects I worked on professionally and things I built for fun in my free time.

An implementation of Craig Reynold's Boids program to simulate the flocking behavior of birds. Also includes Gary Flake's fourth rule.

A 3D implementation of Craig Reynold's Boids program to simulate the flocking behavior of birds.

This is a straightforward calendar website that can be easily managed by non-technical individuals and shared with others.

EES (Ethereum Endorsement Service) is a decentralized platform empowering users to endorse and financially support one another, fostering a transparent social graph and reputation system.

Masca is a MetaMask Snap that adds support for SSI: it can manage DIDs, store VCs, and create the VPs. Masca works on existing MetaMask accounts to create new DIDs, without the need to create new private keys and worry about their security!