Welcome to my personal website!

As a fullstack engineer and blockchain enthusiast, I am dedicated to creating innovative and optimized solutions. My passion for technology is matched by my desire to continuously learn and improve. Whether it's staying up-to-date with the latest blockchain technologies, or continuously improving my development skills, I am dedicated to personal growth and self-improvement. Based in the beautiful country of Slovenia, I am excited to share my work and insights with you.

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Martin Domajnko

Full Stack Blockchain Engineer


Clicking on specific skills, languages or tools will show you some extra information.



ReactNest.jsNext.jsExpressVueReact NativeElectron




Other skills I'm familiar with and used in more than one project.

GraphQLThe GraphIPFSZustandTailwind CSSJestStorybookJiraConfluenceFigmaChaiMochaFoundryStyled ComponentsHardhatSupabasePrismaPlanetScaleMongoDBPostgreSQLThree.js